Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

By becky
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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10. Frequent Panic Attacks

Most people who are diagnosed with any type of anxiety will experience a panic attack at some point. While the specific signs of panic attacks vary from person to person, there are a few common trends. Some people feel like they are having a heart attack and experience similar symptoms such as difficulty breathing, chest pains and rapid heart rate. Others may feel dizzy, nauseated and numb or experience sudden chills or hot flashes. Regardless of the symptoms, a panic attack typically leaves the person suffering it exhausted afterwards.

If you are experiencing frequent panic attacks, it may be helpful to take notice of what seems to trigger it. When panic attacks occur during or in anticipation of an uncomfortable social situation, you may have social anxiety disorder. Seeking treatment from a qualified professional is a good first step to controlling the frequency and severity of such attacks.

Social Anxiety Disorder

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