Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

By becky
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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5. Hypersensitivity to Criticism

No one particularly enjoys being told what they’re doing wrong. It logically follows, of course, that people who are constantly worrying about what others think of them are extra sensitive to negative feedback. This sensitivity can make many situations, particularly those such as the workplace where feedback is frequently part of the job, more difficult for those with social anxiety than they are for others.

For this reason, people with social anxiety may avoid jobs in customer service if at all possible. When they must work with the critical public, they may need more breaks to recover from the additional stress this causes them. However, their concern about what their boss may think of such a request can keep them from taking the appropriate self-care measures they need to continue doing a good job and still be well.

Social Anxiety Disorder

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