10 Symptoms of Pulled Muscles

By iliriana
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #4: Tenderness When Touched

Muscle tenderness when touched is another symptom that those with a pulled muscle complain of. Tenderness is usually felt only at certain points. A burning sensation is also quite common, while in severe cases, a real acute and sharp pain will develop, especially after a sudden muscle injury.

The severity of muscle tenderness and pain may depend on the severity of the pulled muscle. Based on the extent of the injury, muscle tears are categorized into three grades: grade I when less than 10% of muscle fibers are affected; grade II, when 10–90% of the muscle fibers are affected; and grade III, which of course is the most severe one, where more than 90% of muscle fibers are affected.

Pulled Muscle

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