10 Pleurisy Symptoms

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #10: Weight Loss

Another pleurisy symptom is unexplained weight loss. This happens because a person with pleurisy is likely to eat less food, drink less water, and spend a lot of time either seated or lying down. All these play a role in losing some weight.

It is worth noting that, besides causing a nagging pain, when you have pleurisy, breathing becomes a taxing chore. Remember that the inflammation within the chest cavity worsens when you take a deep breath. As a consequence, you will subconsciously take shallower breaths to minimize pain. For similar reasons, you will subconsciously eat smaller meals and drink less water. Additionally, because you are less active, your body will not sense the need for higher intake of food or water. The end result is a noticeable loss of weight.


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