10 Causes of Pleural Effusion

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Cause #10: Open-Heart Surgery Complications

Modern surgery has come a long way since its infancy. We are now able to undertake complex surgery that we would never have considered before, and we are even able to operate on vital organs such as the heart. Nowadays, if you do develop a serious complication with the heart there’s a reasonable chance it can be operated on.

Still though, not everything goes according to plan and complications can occur; after all, such procedures tend to be very complex. This means that the patient is likely to require close attention for some time after open heart surgery has been completed in case complications do arise. One complication caused by open heart surgery can be pleural effusion if the heart is providing reduced assistance in the circulation of fluids around the body.

Pleural Effusion

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