10 Night Sweats Causes

By tallene
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Cause #10: Low Testosterone

Night sweats in men are sometimes linked to low testosterone levels. Testosterone is the male sex hormone for men and stimulates sperm production. It also supports sex drive and helps build bone muscle mass. As a man begins to age, his levels of testosterone decrease gradually until symptoms of andropause occur. This is basically the male equivalent to menopause. Night sweats are just one of the many symptoms associated with andropause.

In men night sweats related to low testosterone are uncommon, because they don’t experience an abrupt drop in the hormone. Testosterone can decrease by about 1% a year after age 40. Most men maintain levels of testosterone within normal range, enough to prevent hot flashes. Although the exact mechanism is unknown, the exception are men who have undergone androgen deprivation therapy for advanced prostate cancer (80% experience hot flashes).

Night Sweats

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