10 Metabolic Syndrome Symptoms

By jolene
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Symptom #7: Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy occurs when the peripheral nerves are affected. Peripheral nerves refer to the nerves beyond the spinal cord and brain. When the peripheral nerves are affected, it can impair organ function, movement, gland function, and sensation. Some issues they may face are tremors, numbness, impairment of balance, weakness, tiredness, cramps, and abnormalities in gait. This depends on whether the neuropathy affects the sensory, motor, or autonomic nerves.

Some causes of peripheral neuropathy include vitamin deficiency, side effect of medications, diabetes, leprosy, injury, ischemia, immune system disease, and radiation therapy. Since high levels of glucose in the blood can cause peripheral neuropathy, it is a common symptom among patients with metabolic syndrome as they often have insulin resistance.

Metabolic Syndrome

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