10 Lockjaw Symptoms

By iliriana
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #6: Facial Spasms

Facial spasms are another common symptom of tetanus, which develops when the facial muscles are affected. Risus sardonicus is a characteristic symptom in this case, which is characterized by a rigid grin of the face due to these facial muscle spasms. Facial expressions appear unnatural, so they are easily noticed by the affected person, but especially from people around the person.

Facial spasms tend to become noticeable in the early stages of this condition, so if you notice something strange happening with your face you should get medical help. Tetanus might be causing it. One thing you should keep in mind is that as the infection progresses, other muscles in the body will be affected, which means that the condition and symptoms are likely to get worse quickly if you don’t get medical attention in time.


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