10 Intestinal Blockage Symptoms

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #4: Fecal Vomiting

Fecal vomiting is where the affected individual vomits fecal matter. This is often seen in patients with intestinal blockage (in the ileum) and gastrojejunocolic fistula. Fecal vomiting is usually accompanied by an odor of feces from the patient’s breath. It is also often associated with other symptoms such as dehydration, abdominal distension, and abdominal pain.

In intestinal blockage, fecal vomiting occurs as the intestinal contents are unable to move. The peristaltic waves then try to decompress the intestines. This means that the intestinal muscles contract to try to push the contents forward but, due to the blockage, the content moves backward into the stomach, which is then vomited. It is important to know that even though the vomit content is fecal in origin, it doesn’t resemble the feces that we defecate normally.

Intestinal Blockage

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