10 Intestinal Blockage Symptoms

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #2: Abdominal Bloating

Abdominal bloating, or abdominal distension, occurs when there are substances such as fluid or gas that accumulate in the abdomen causing it to expand. This is a common and nonspecific symptom. Individuals who are affected often describe it as “feeling bloated” due to a sensation of fullness. In severe cases, the pressure in the abdomen can cause compression on the lungs and diaphragm leading to shortness of breath.

Since most cases of abdominal bloating are due to gas buildup in the stomach and intestines, the pressure is often relieved by belching and flatulence. Some causes of abdominal bloating are inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, lactose intolerance, food poisoning, and intestinal blockage. In intestinal blockage, abdominal bloating occurs as the intestines are blocked causing the solids, fluids, and gas to not be able to pass through and accumulate in the intestines.

Intestinal Blockage

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