10 Hyperhidrosis Symptoms

By albert
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Symptom #10: Dandruff

Dandruff is a scalp condition with symptoms including scalp itching, skin flaking, and scalp irritation. Dandruff results from the activity of a fungus known as Malassezia globosa that lives on the scalp of humans and the skins of many animals. Similar to other fungi, Malassezia thrives best in a warm, moist environment such as the one created when the scalp remains moist due to excessive sweating.

The fungus feeds on the oils produced by oil glands on the scalp. After feeding on the oil, the fungus produces oleic acid which has an irritant effect on the scalps of half of the world’s population. If your scalp is constantly itchy due to dandruff, it’s probably one of the hyperhidrosis symptoms.


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