10 Home Remedies For Hangover

By james
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Many of us like to go out from time to time and just let our hair down. It’s great to meet with friends, have fun, dance, and do whatever you enjoy doing and this is often made a lot easier with a few drinks inside us. There are some downsides to this, though, one of which is the hangover you will have the following day.

Hangovers can range in severity, and just how bad you feel will depend on a number of factors. We do not yet completely understand hangovers and there is no known cure as yet.

There are, however, various remedies available that can at least help to reduce the severity of the symptoms. Below are 10 home remedies for a hangover.


Home Remedy #1: Water

Alcohol causes us to become dehydrated, which is one of the reasons we often wake up with a thirst the morning after a night out. Dehydration is also one of the major causes for a hangover so it makes sense to rehydrate as well as possible. This means that a few glasses of water could be just what you need to help you overcome that hangover.

Drinks with electrolytes are also fine. Keep clear of caffeinated drinks, though, because these are only likely to make the dehydration worse. You can also try drinking some water before you go to bed at night to help prevent the hangover from being too severe the next day.


Home Remedy #2: Tomato Juice

Many people will turn to tomato juice to help cure their hangover and for good reasons. Tomato juice is a good source of fructose, which helps the body to process alcohol faster. It is also full of vitamins and minerals that can help you overcome the effects of drinking too much the night before.

A popular way to use tomato juice is to make a Bloody Mary cocktail. This includes vodka as well as other ingredients, so the remedy also has some “hair of the dog” to help. You don’t have to have a Bloody Mary, though, and some plain tomato juice or some tomato soup can also help.


Home Remedy #3: Hair of the Dog

Hair of the dog is perhaps the best known of all remedies, and many peoples’ favorite. In short, it simply means to start drinking alcohol again, preferably the same type of alcohol you were drinking the night before. It can be very effective and can soon have you forgetting all about your hangover.

You should bear in mind, however, that you should not overdo it again. If you do then you won’t be curing your hangover but simply postponing it because you’ll end up with another hangover the following day. Just have a few drinks and get an early night and you should be good to go the following morning.


Home Remedy #4: Sleep

Having to do anything with a hangover can be a tall order. With your head spinning and head hurting, any kind of activity can be a challenge and we would usually rather do as little as possible instead. In fact, when you do have a hangover, getting some sleep is one of the best things that you can do.

Regardless of how much time you may have spent in bed before waking up with a hangover, you are still likely to be feeling tired. This can add to the symptoms you are already likely to be experiencing. You are also not going to be suffering at all from a hangover if you are sleeping through it.


Home Remedy #5: Prevention

The best remedy of all is to not develop a problem in the first place. Obviously, the one way to do this for sure is to not drink anything at all, but not many people are going to be keen on that idea if they are going out with friends. There are still some things you can do to limit the severity of a hangover after drinking, though.

For starters, make sure that you eat properly before you start drinking. This can make a huge difference to your hangover and can also prevent you from ruining your night by becoming ill. Also, make sure that you avoid drinking too quickly, and don’t forget to drink some water before you go to bed.


Home Remedy #6: Banana

Bananas are quite easy to eat, which makes them suitable for people with a hangover that might otherwise be struggling to eat at all. They are also very easy to prepare, which is preferable for somebody that may not be feeling up to doing much work in a hot kitchen. Plus, they are also delicious.

What’s more is that bananas are also a very good source of potassium, which your body tends to lose when you are drinking. Bananas can also help to give you a much-needed energy boost and they can also help to calm an upset stomach. One or two bananas in the morning can help the rest of your day to go much better.


Home Remedy #7: Ginger

Ginger has been used as a remedy since ancient times and is still a popular ingredient in remedies today. It can help in curing a wide range of ailments from those that are not our fault to those that are. Many people swear ginger is a cure for a hangover and it has been used as such for as long as we can remember.

Ginger can help to calm an upset stomach, which will be welcome to a lot of people with a hangover. It can also help the body to process alcohol, hastening a full recovery. Arguably, the worst symptoms of a hangover are nausea and vomiting, and ginger can help here also.


Home Remedy #8: Vitamins

Drinking alcohol is quite demanding on your body. You will likely have burned up a lot of vitamins and it is well known that vitamins are important for our health overall. Do what you can to replace them and you can hasten your recovery when you have a hangover.

Vitamin C is perhaps the best of all when it comes to recovery as it helps to strengthen the immune system, and fresh orange juice will give you all that you need. You can also try mixed juices from both vegetables and fruits to help ensure that you get a selection of vitamins.


Home Remedy #9: Lemons

Lemons are another citrus fruit that can be very useful when it comes to dealing with hangovers. They can help to restore the natural pH levels in the body and can also help ensure the right balance of blood sugar levels. These factors can help you to overcome symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, muscle aches and pains, and light sensitivity.

To use lemon as a hangover remedy, pour a glass of warm water and add two teaspoons of lemon juice. You can also add a teaspoon of honey, which will help your body to process any alcohol left in the body.


Home Remedy #10: Peppermint

Peppermint has the kind of aroma that many people will welcome when they are feeling a little delicate. It is also a kind of herb and is known to have various properties that help to treat certain ailments. One of the ailments it can help to treat is a hangover.

If you have an upset stomach after a night of drinking, some peppermint might be just what you need. It can help with digestion and also relieve nausea and tension. It is also thought to be able to accelerate the process of detoxification. You could try making some peppermint tea, or you can also just try chewing on some fresh peppermint leaves throughout the day.


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