10 Home Remedies For Ear Infections

By jolene
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Remedy #8: Onion Compress

While the idea of an onion compress being beneficial for an ear infection may seem unlikely, there are many mothers on the internet who recommend it as an effective remedy for an ear infection. Although the science behind it is inconclusive, many parents insist that the juice and onion work well. This remedy dates back to at least the nineteenth century. Some think that the flavonoid quercetin could be involved as studies have found that quercetin has anti-inflammatory properties.

The onion should be heated up and the juice should be extracted. It can then be dropped into the affected ear. Like other natural remedies, consult a doctor before trying the remedy. Another method is to cut the onion in half and heat it up using olive oil. Once cooled, pour it onto a cotton cloth, wrap it, and place the compress over the ear allowing the juice to flow into the ear. It should be left on for 10 to 15 minutes and can be repeated every 3 to 4 hours.

Ear Infections

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