10 Common Types of Headaches

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Type #10: Posttraumatic Headaches

As the name suggests, this type of headache occurs as a result of a serious injury to the head. It may start soon after, a few days after, or long after the injury. A posttraumatic headache normally presents with a dull pain that may vary in intensity at different times. It may last for days, weeks, or months depending on the type of injury and resultant damage.

Head-injury headaches may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as tiredness, irritability, trouble concentrating, light-headedness, vertigo, vomiting, and seizures. A headache that occurs after an injury and seems to be getting worse should not be taken for granted. Take the patient to a doctor for assessment and treatment.

Types of Headaches

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