10 Food Allergy Symptoms

By dr. mera
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10. Wheezing

Wheezing is described as a high-pitch noise associated with the act of breathing. It usually happens during the inhalation phase, but it can be heard at any moment. This symptom signals that the airway is somehow constricted or blocked and the air is struggling to get through. This whistling sound is usually associated with patients with asthma, but it can appear in any medical condition that causes bronchoconstriction.

The respiratory tract is heavily affected by food-related allergic reactions. As the allergen enters the body, the allergic reaction causes the airway to tighten (bronchoconstriction). As a result, the air is going to find more resistance and the whistling sound appears. This symptom shouldn’t be taken lightly, as it can be an early sign that the condition may cause an anaphylactic shock.

Food Allergy

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