10 Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms

By jolene
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Symptom #5: Abdominal Distension

Abdominal distension can occur when there is an accumulation of substances such as fluid or gas in the abdomen, causing its expansion (i.e. ascites). However, in ectopic pregnancy, ectopic rupture or leakage can result in peritonitis that can also produce abdominal distension. In short, peritonitis is the inflammation of the peritoneum, a membrane that lines the inner abdominal wall and covers the abdominal organs. Thus, the peritoneum can be easily irritated (i.e. chemically) by fluids that come into contact with it (as is the case of blood in an ectopic rupture), and/or eventually develop an infection. Thus, on physical examination patients with peritonitis can exhibit diffuse severe abdominal pain with abdominal guarding, abdominal distension and/ or rebound tenderness.

Other causes of peritonitis include pancreatitis, perforation of hollow organs (i.e. peptic ulcer), appendicitis, and more.

Ectopic Pregnancy

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