10 Causes of Stroke

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Cause #6: Heart Disease

As mentioned elsewhere, the regular, coordinated pumping action of the heart keeps blood flowing through the body within a constant pressure range. Therefore, any condition that interferes with the ability of the heart to perform its pumping function is a potential risk to the development of stroke.

Diseases affecting the strength of the heart muscles will interfere with their contraction and relaxation. An enlarged heart can generate more pressure than normal, with the accompanying risk of rupturing not only small blood vessels, but also large ones. This can lead to a hemorrhagic stroke. On the other hand, a weakened heart may not pump blood effectively. This can lead to slowed down blood flow, which encourages clot formation. Blood clots can obstruct blood flow in small blood vessels, leading to a lack of blood supply in the areas beyond the blockade. When this happens within the brain, it can cause a stroke.


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