10 Causes of High Blood Pressure

By albert
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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one third of the United States population has high blood pressure. This means that one in three Americans suffers from blood pressure that is higher than normal. This puts them at an increased risk of getting several serious complications including heart attack and stroke. Considering that heart attacks and stroke are leading killers, high blood pressure is therefore, a leading cause of death.

For this reason, it is important that you learn as much as you can about this silent killer. One way to keep safe from complications of high blood pressure is to undergo regular blood pressure testing. This way you can ensure that you keep it under control. But what are the causes of high blood pressure? This question is tricky. However, the following are known risk factors and 10 causes of high blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure

Cause #1: Advanced Age

While age is not strictly a cause of high blood pressure, the risk of hypertension increases with advancing age. It is estimated that about 80 percent of people aged 65 and more have hypertension. Overall, people aged more than 55 years have an increased risk of getting high blood pressure.

This can be attributed to the changes that come with age such as reduced flexibility of blood vessels, decreased sensitivity to salt, hormonal changes and decreased efficiency of the heart. This means that while everybody should get their blood pressure tested regularly, the elderly should take this even more seriously.

High Blood Pressure

Cause #2: Obesity

If you are obese or overweight, you are at a higher risk of developing high blood pressure in addition to other health problems. The same is true for people who have excess fat deposits in the belly, thighs and hips. It is estimated that close to 70 percent of the adults in the U.S. are overweight. Excess weight is normally a result of poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical exercise. Obesity is considered to be one of the reasons why high blood pressure has been on the rise in recent decades.

In case you have a higher body mass index than normal for your body frame, you need to undergo regular blood pressure checks. You should also take steps to reduce your weight through a healthier diet, physical activity and stress reduction.

High Blood Pressure

Cause #3: Stress

Stress causes a temporary rise in blood pressure. This is not the same as high blood pressure. Still, when the rise in blood pressure occurs repeatedly, it may affect the flexibility of blood vessels and ultimately lead to the development of high blood pressure. But there are no studies to prove this. Still, being chronically stressed may lead to hormonal imbalances. It can also cause you to indulge in activities like consumption of alcohol, overeating or cause sleep problems. These factors are known to cause high blood pressure.

Irrespective of how stress leads to high blood pressure, you should do whatever you can to avoid stressful conditions. You can also reduce stress through activities like meditation, yoga and physical exercises.

High Blood Pressure

Cause #4: Alcohol Consumption

Many studies have found that excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to hypertension. This can mean taking anything more than three drinks regularly. While taking one or two drinks per day may have no adverse effects on health, taking more than three drinks in a seating causes a temporary rise in blood pressure. If this happens regularly, the blood pressure may remain elevated for the long term which can ultimately lead to hypertension.

If you have high blood pressure, quitting or reducing your alcohol intake may help to lower it. It is worth to note that women have a higher sensitivity to alcohol use than men. Women should therefore limit their alcohol intake to one drink a day while men should limit theirs to two drinks.

High Blood Pressure

Cause #5: Sedentary Lifestyle

If you spend long hours seated at work or at home, you are a candidate for high blood pressure. This happens because your body only burns the calories it needs for maintenance. This is different from a person whose work involves physical exertion. A sedentary lifestyle may also cause your body to retain fluid in the lower parts like the ankles, feet and legs. Fluid retention may also lead to a rise in blood pressure.

In case your occupation involves a lot of seating, create a habit of taking breaks throughout the day to walk around. You can also opt to do some walking as you head to or from work. Alternatively, enroll at a gym and work out for at least one and half hours per week.

High Blood Pressure

Cause #6: Smoking

Cigarette smoking is another leading cause of high blood pressure. Cigarette smoke contains many compounds which have adverse effects on health. Some of these compounds lead to the development of atherosclerosis which involves narrowing of blood vessels. This means that the heart has to do extra work to push blood through the narrowed blood vessels. The increased internal pressure is what is known as high blood pressure.

If you are a smoker, irrespective of whether or not you have hypertension, it is advisable to quit. This can help lower your blood pressure or reduce your risk of getting it. Smoking is also known to cause cancer besides other health issues.

High Blood Pressure

Cause #7: Diet

What you eat has a significant bearing on your overall health. For instance, eating foods that are high in fat, sugar and salt may lead to the development of high blood pressure. Fat, sugar and high carbohydrate foods are known to increase body weight as well as fat deposits in the belly, thighs and hips. Excess body weight and fat deposits are known to cause high blood pressure.

If you have high blood pressure, you should consider eating a healthy diet that is low in fat, sugar and salt, and high in vegetables and fruits. You should also take adequate water to keep you hydrated and to help reduce your food intake. Eating a healthy diet is also advised for everybody to reduce the risk of hypertension.

High Blood Pressure

Cause #8: Excess Salt Intake

While table salt helps to improve the taste of food, if taken in high amounts, it can cause high blood pressure. Studies also suggest that some people are more sensitive to salt than others. This means that some people are more likely to develop high blood pressure than others, even when they take similar amounts of salt. If you have high blood pressure, you should consider reducing your salt intake.

Reducing salt intake can also help reduce the risk of getting hypertension. It is worth noting that most processed foods contain substantial amounts of salt. Therefore, if you intend to reduce your salt intake, avoid processed foods, and carefully read the labels any time you have to eat them.

High Blood Pressure

Cause #9: Some Medications

Regular intake of some medications can cause high blood pressure. There is a long list of medications that may cause high blood pressure. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, some birth control pills and some decongestants. Most of these medications lead to high blood pressure by causing the body to retain fluid. Others may cause narrowing of blood vessels.

It is advisable to avoid taking unnecessary medications, and to take any medications according to your doctor’s instructions. Also, whenever you get a prescription, ask about possible side effects, and read the labels. And always inform your doctor about any medications you are taking to avoid adverse interactions.

High Blood Pressure

Cause #10: Family History

If a member of your family had, or has hypertension, you are at a higher risk of getting it. Many studies have found that high blood pressure seems to run in families. There have also been observations that people of African descent have a higher risk of getting hypertension than those of European, Hispanic or Asian descent.

These findings do not mean that you will definitely get high blood pressure if you belong in a family or descent with a higher risk of the disease. However, the knowledge that you are likely to get high blood pressure should challenge you to lead a healthier lifestyle. This can greatly reduce your risk of getting the disease. Also remember that you need to undergo regular blood pressure checks to find out if you have it in order to keep it under control.

High Blood Pressure

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