10 Symptoms of Bursitis

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #4: Erythema

Erythema is a word that originated from the Greek work “erythros” which translates to red. When there is erythema, there is redness of the mucous membranes or skin due to hyperemia (a term that means increased flow of blood to the superficial capillaries). It is a non-specific symptom that can occur in any condition such as trauma, skin injury, infection, inflammation, and more.

To ensure that it is indeed erythema, the redness of the affected area disappears when you apply finger pressure on the area causing blanching. In contrast to bruising or pigmentation of the skin, blanching does not occur. Generally, there is no increased warmth unless there is dilation of blood vessels under the deeper layers of the skin.


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