Baby Heat Rash Symptoms, Causes & More

By mame
Reviewed: dr. stavarache
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Heat Rash.' Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 3 Mar. 2020,
  • 2. 'Heat Rash.' Seattle Children's Hospital,
  • 3. 'When Your Child Has Heat Rash (Prickly Heat).' UC San Diego Health,,89381
  • 4. 'Heat Rash.', 15 Dec. 2020,
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Baby heat rash, also known as prickly heat or miliaria, occurs when sweat gets trapped under a baby's skin. Babies have delicate skin and are more likely to get heat rash than adults. This rash can appear overnight and look painful, but it's reasonably common and not usually serious. However, a heat rash can feel prickly, itchy and uncomfortable.

A baby typically develops a heat rash in their elbows, armpits, buttocks and groin. Other areas include where their clothing causes friction or lack of air circulation. The various types of heat rash are determined according to the blocked sweat ducts and bring about varying symptoms.

Heat Rash

Mild Baby Heat Rash Symptoms

Sweat trapped under a baby's skin that irritates the outer layer is a common cause of baby heat rash. However, depending on the depth of the blocked sweat ducts, the symptoms of heat rashes in babies can range from mild with superficial blisters, medium with itchy red bumps to severe with deep, flesh-toned lumps.

The mildest form of heat rash, miliaria crystallina, affects a baby's sweat ducts in the top layer of their skin, known as the epidermis.1‘Heat Rash.’ Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 3 Mar. 2020, The main symptoms of this type of baby heat rash are white or clear bumps and blisters filled with clear fluid that break easily.

Heat Rash

Medium Baby Heat Rash Symptoms

Miliaria rubra, also known as prickly heat, is a common type of heat rash that typically occurs when the skin beomes too warm and sweat glands between the top and the second layer of a baby's skin becomes blocked. This is the most common type of heat rash, and isn't usually cause for concern. It can be uncomfortable and causes tiny red bumps, blisters or patches, discoloration, such as redness, and itching.

Heat Rash

More Severe Baby Heat Rash Symptoms

Miliaria profunda is a less common but more severe form of baby heat rash that affects the dermis, a deeper layer of their skin. This type of heat rash is caused by trapped sweat leaking out of the baby's sweat gland into their skin, resulting in flesh-colored lesions that can burn.

A miliaria profunda heat rash may become infected, especially if air circulation is not available to cool the skin. Babies with this type of heat rash may also develop signs of heat exhaustion.

Heat Rash

Baby Heat Rash Caused From Sweat

Babies get heat rashes for several reasons, but typically they occur in hot, humid weather and are caused when sweat gets trapped in their sweat ducts. A baby's body can have many folds and creases that trap sweat. A lack of evaporation of this sweat can cause inflammation and a rash.

Because a baby's sweat glands are smaller, their bodies are less effective at regulating their temperature than an adult body, leaving them more vulnerable to heat rashes.

Heat Rash

Baby Heat Rash Caused From Ointment

Although babies usually get heat rashes during the hot seasons, they can also get them in the winter from ointments put on their skin.2‘Heat Rash.’ Seattle Children’s Hospital, Ointments in their hair can block the sweat glands on their forehead, leading to heat rash.

A breastfed baby may develop heat rash on their face if their mother uses lanolin on their nipples to help with painful cracking. Some babies may develop heat rash on their chest from menthol ointments applied for coughs.

Heat Rash

Baby Heat Rash Caused From Fever

Babies are particularly prone to developing fever, in part because their immune systems are immature. When babies have fevers, they tend to sweat a lot more than usual. Because their sweat ducts are also still maturing and therefore small, these ducts can become blocked with excessive fever sweat, resulting in inflammation and heat rash.

If a rash appears after a fever has subsided, it needs to be inspected closely to ensure it isn't a more dangerous rash that requires treatment.

Heat Rash

Cooling Treatments for Baby Heat Rash

In most cases, baby heat rashes clear up on their own without treatment. However, because they can cause discomfort to the baby, providing some relief is essential while waiting for the baby's symptoms to disappear.

The first step to providing immediate relief to a baby with a heat rash is cooling the affected skin area. Cooling can be achieved by applying a cool, clean washcloth to the rash, or the child can be given a cool bath.3‘When Your Child Has Heat Rash (Prickly Heat).’ UC San Diego Health,,89381

Heat Rash

Loose Clothing for Baby Heat Rash

When a baby contracts a heat rash, it can be very beneficial to ensure that they aren't wearing clothes that restrict or cause friction against their skin. Clothes made from natural fibers are typically softer and more breathable, allowing for more comfort for the baby.

Loosening a child's diaper can also provide some relief. If possible, allow the child to go without a diaper, perhaps outside. This freedom can also offer more comfort when a rash is itchy or sore.

Heat Rash

Diagnosis of Baby Heat Rash

A parent or doctor can diagnose baby heat rash through a physical examination. Remembering that a heat rash appears during hot weather due to sweating and noting the location of the rash on the baby's body can help ensure an accurate diagnosis.

If a rash appears in skin creases or where clothes fit tightly and resembles images they've seen of the rash, a parent can usually be confident in their diagnosis. However, if the rash becomes infected, it's a good idea to see a doctor.

Heat Rash

Prevention of Baby Heat Rash

Steps to prevent a baby from getting a heat rash include removing extra layers of clothing when it's warm and dressing a child in loose-fitting clothes.4‘Heat Rash.’, 15 Dec. 2020, Another step is to ensure that a baby's diaper is changed once it has been soiled or wet.

Do not use rash creams on the skin unless a doctor recommends a specific cream. A heat rash is not an allergic reaction, and it is not dry skin. Using creams that treat these conditions may not help.

Heat Rash

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