10 Asperger's Symptoms

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #3: Inability to Empathize

Individuals with Asperger’s can often seem as if they are insensitive or uncaring towards others as they have issues providing socially acceptable responses when they interact with others. They may seem emotionally inaccessible and their speech is unable to convey what they truly mean. There is also the inability to empathize with others. In children, those with Asperger’s can sometimes play too roughly or say hurtful things that causes the other children to cry or avoid them.

When confronted, the child may justify what they have done or said but is unable to understand why it was socially unacceptable. With age, the individual with Asperger’s will have learnt the acceptable social response when it comes to interaction. Although they may say and do all the “right things”, they may not always understand the reason behind it.


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