10 Pinworm Infection Symptoms

By sarah-jane
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Henderson, Roger. 'Threadworms.' Symptom Checker, Health Information and Medicines Guide, patient.info/doctor/threadworms-pro
  • 2. 'Pinworms.' Children's Hospital Colorado, www.childrenscolorado.org/conditions-and-advice/conditions-and-symptoms/symptoms/pinworms
  • 3. Lavery, Michael J., et al. 'Nocturnal Pruritus: The Battle for a Peaceful Night’s Sleep.' PubMed Central (PMC), www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4813276
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  • 5. 'Pinworm Infections.' Nemours KidsHealth, kidshealth.org/en/parents/pinworm.html
  • 6. Worthington, John J., et al. 'Adaptive Immunity Alters Distinct Host Feeding Pathways during Nematode Induced Inflammation, a Novel Mechanism in Parasite Expulsion.' PLoS Pathogens, vol. 9, no. 1, 17 Jan. 2013, p. e1003122
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  • 8. Siochou, A., et al. 'Enterobius Vermicularis Infection of Female Genital Tract.' International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, vol. 21, no. 4, 2008, pp. 1031-1033
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Genitourinary Infections

Pinworms lay their eggs around the anus. The anus is close to the vagina and urethra in females, and pinworms enter these openings. As a result, females may experience genitourinary infections. This pinworm infection symptom doesn't usually affect males.

When there's an infection of the genital tract, females may have vaginal discharge. People who have a urinary tract infection may experience painful and frequent urination with a sense of urgency.8Siochou, A., et al. ‘Enterobius Vermicularis Infection of Female Genital Tract.’ International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, vol. 21, no. 4, 2008, pp. 1031-1033

Pinworm Infection

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