10 Hepatic Steatosis Symptoms

By adrian
Reviewed: dr. stavarache
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Liver - Fatty Liver Disease. 'Liver - Fatty Liver Disease '- Better Health Channel, www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/liver-fatty-liver-disease
  • 2. 'Nausea and Vomiting: Not Always in Sync.' Pharmacy Times, www.pharmacytimes.com/view/nausea-and-vomiting-not-always-in-sync
  • 3. https://www.mayoclinic.org/'diseases-conditions/edema/diagnosis-treatment'/drc-20366532
  • 4. Team, Brain and Spine. 'How Stress Can Make You Eat More -- Or Not At All.' Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic, Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic, 8 Oct. 2020
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Itchy Skin

Itching can be irritating, harassing and downright annoying. Those with liver diseases, such as hepatic steatosis, may find they have to scratch to relieve the itch more than normal. The itching associated with liver disease may be due to the higher levels of bile salt that accumulate under the skin.

This is not to say everyone with high bile salt levels will experience abnormal amounts of itching. While at the same time, those with normal levels may find themselves scratching to eliminate the annoyance.

Hepatic Steatosis

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