What Is SARS Virus?

By adam
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Zheng, Jian et al. SARS-related Virus Predating SARS Outbreak, Hong Kong. Emerging Infectious Diseases vol. 10,2 (2004): 176-78. doi: 10.3201/eid1002.030533.
  • 2. Wu, Jiang et al. Risk Factors for SARS among Person's without Known Contact with SARS Patients, Beijing, China. Emerging Infectious Diseases vol. 10,2 (2004): 210-16. doi: 10.3201/eid1002.030730.
  • 3. Richardson, Susan E. et al. The Laboratory Diagnosis of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: Emerging Laboratory Tests for an Emerging Pathogen. Clinical Biochemistry Review vol. 25,2 (2004): 133-42.
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7. Treatment and Management

The SARS virus has no cure. As the illness is viral, antibiotics are not an appropriate treatment measure. The antivirals that had already been approved during the outbreak were ineffective in treating the novel coronavirus that caused the 2003 outbreak.

The virus had to run its course. Treatment measures were aimed at supportive care that worked to alleviate symptoms. Those who developed complications that led to difficulty breathing were intubated and provided with mechanical ventilation.

SARS Virus

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