What Is Rumination Syndrome?

By boone
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2. What Symptoms Can You Expect?

If you are suffering from rumination syndrome, then you may experience abdominal pain or pressure, nausea, effortless regurgitation after eating, feelings of fullness, bad breath and unintentional weight loss. Regurgitation often occurs within 10 minutes after eating, and you do not experience retching. The discomfort in your stomach may subside after regurgitation. While the symptoms may not sound terrible, uncontrolled regurgitation can lead to life-threatening problems.

If left untreated and uncorrected, rumination syndrome can lead to rapid weight loss. Malnutrition and death are also possibilities if this condition is severe enough. The inability to keep food down is not natural, and whether the cause is psychological or physical, correction is necessary to ensure sustained and prolonged health. If you believe you are showing signs of rumination syndrome, contact a doctor for help.

Rumination Syndrome

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