What Is Roseola Infantum?

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
Article Sources Article Sources
Medical Expert Medical Expert

8. Can You Prevent Roseola Infantum?

Unfortunately, there is no vaccine to prevent sixth disease. However, there are ways you can prevent your child from contracting the virus. For instance, limit exposure to children who are sick and teach your child good hygiene practices. If your child has a fever, keep him or her away from other children until the fever has broken.

Once a child contracts roseola, he or she is immune to future infections. As a result, most people have antibodies to the illness by the time they’re five or six years old. Even so, if one household member becomes sick, limit contact with others and enforce strong handwashing habits, as well as a no-sharing food or drinks rule.

Roseola Infantum

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