What Is Rheumatic Fever?

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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5. Pain in Joints

Perhaps one of the most characteristic symptoms of rheumatic fever is a pain in the joints. This is caused by the inflammation of multiple joints at a time, also known as polyarthritis. The pain tends to be experienced in large joints like the ankles, elbows, knees, and wrists.

In addition, patients with rheumatic fever will also find that these joints can exhibit swelling, redness, warmth, and tenderness. What’s more, is that pain will often be migratory. This means that it will be experienced in one joint first, but then, sometimes even before it has subsided in the initial site, it will move onto another joint. These manifestations usually subside within a few weeks and disappear completely after 2-6 weeks.

Rheumatic Fever

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