What Is Poland Syndrome?

By boone
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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9. Chest Treatments

There is no cure for Poland syndrome, but various treatments exist. For the chest region, treatment is usually of a cosmetic nature, aimed to make the affected side more visually similar to the non-affected one rather than to restore muscle strength. Reconstructive surgery can be performed to graft or move ribs, to use existing muscles or implants to fill in missing portions of the pectoralis major, or to implant bags of silicone in place of breast tissue.

In addition to surgical procedures, tattooing is also sometimes used. Tattoos can augment or create the appearance of a nipple and/or areola. Some people choose to go beyond the scope of recommended therapeutic tattoos and create pictures or designs across the entire affected chest area. This artistic approach can have the intention of disguising the asymmetry of the chest or of celebrating the uniqueness of the individual’s body.

Poland Syndrome

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