What Is Molluscum?

By kara
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Meza-Romero, Rodrigo et al. “Molluscum contagiosum: an update and review of new perspectives in etiology, diagnosis, and treatment.” Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology vol. 12 373-381. 30 May. 2019, doi:10.2147/CCID.S187224
  • 2. Nandhini, G., Rajkumar, K., Kanth, K. S., Nataraj, P., Ananthakrishnan, P., & Arunachalam, M. (2015). Molluscum contagiosum in a 12-year-old child - report of a case and review of literature. Journal of international oral health : JIOH, 7(1), 63–66.
  • 3. Leung, Alexander K C et al. “Molluscum Contagiosum: An Update.” Recent patents on inflammation & allergy drug discovery vol. 11,1 (2017): 22-31. doi:10.2174/1872213X11666170518114456
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9. Is There an Easy Way to Stop From Spreading Molluscum to Others?

After being diagnosed with molluscum, you may limit your contact with others to avoid spreading the rash. Keep the lesions covered at all times and be sure to avoid direct contact with exposed skin. Once treatment has begun, you may need to wait before safely touching someone again.

Avoid lending out personal items to anyone during the period of infection. A hoodie or towel that has been sitting in your home, even if it has been cleaned, may contain trace elements of the virus and cause it to spread.


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