What Is Liver Pain?

By katherine
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7. Is It Possible To Reverse Liver Damage?

The liver is unlike any other organ in the body in that it has the unique ability to regenerate itself. Most organs develop scar tissue in response to injury and illness, but the liver has the ability to replace damaged tissue with new, healthy cells.

If up to 50% of the liver is damaged within a short period of time due to extreme injury, the organ has the ability to totally repair itself within 30 days, as long as there are no further complications. However, there are certain situations that do cause severe scarring and cannot be repaired. One of these is cirrhosis. This happens when the liver is continuously attacked and develops scar tissue as a result. Heavy drinking, drug use and certain viruses can lead to cirrhosis, which indicates late-stage liver disease and often leads to eventual death.

Liver Pain

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