What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

By brett
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Meddings, J.B., J. Jarand, S.J. Urbanski, J. Hardin and D.G. Gall. Increased gastrointestinal permeability is an early lesion in the spontaneously diabetic BB rat. American Journal of Physiology. 1999 Apr;276(4):G951-7. doi:10.1152/ajpgi.1999.276.4.G951.
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10. Foods to Eat

Just as there are foods that contribute to an unhealthy gut, there are those that improve digestive health. These items are good to consume whether a person has a leaky gut or not. They aid in keeping the microbiota in balance, help with nutrient absorption and boost the immune system.

Eating a variety of vegetables, particularly leafy greens and cruciferous veggies, is exceptionally beneficial, as are roots and tubers. Fermented vegetables are great for the digestive tract. Consuming healthy fats, fish and lean meats in moderation is beneficial for overall physical health.

Leaky Gut Syndrome

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