What Is Flu B?

By adam
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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4. Are There Home Remedies to Help Manage Flu Symptoms?

Some of the best ways to manage flu symptoms are at-home remedies. One of the most important things is to drink clear fluids. Examples are water, hot decaffeinated tea and clear broth; these help loosen mucus and prevent dehydration. It is also imperative to get extra sleep, as this is when the body does the best healing. Using a humidifier to boost the amount of moisture in the air helps reduce congestion and sore throat pain.

Gargling with salt water is also a good way to ease a sore throat. For sinus pain or headache, placing a warm washcloth over the nose and forehead is helpful. For a sore throat or cough, there are numerous lozenges that are effective. For natural options, look for those that contain slippery elm, zinc or echinacea. It is also a good idea to up intake of vitamin C to support the immune system.

Flu B

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