What Is Dysuria?

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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5. Diagnosis

If you visit a doctor with symptoms suggestive of dysuria, the doctor will ask you to describe your symptoms. The doctor may also ask about your sexual history in order to determine whether an STI might be the cause of your symptoms.

He may then ask for a urine sample for laboratory analysis. If white blood cells are present in the urine sample, it indicates that the patient may have an infection in the urinary tract. A urine culture may then be carried out to find out if there is any infection, and if so, the cause of the infection. This will help the doctor decide on the appropriate treatment. If the doctor does not find any sign of infection, additional tests may be necessary. These may include taking a swab sample from the lining of the vagina or urethra in order to check for signs of infection.


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