What Is Conduct Disorder?

By katherine
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7. What Are Treatment Options for Conduct Disorder?

There are two main categories of treatment: psychotherapy and medication. No medication is officially approved as a treatment option, but the common co-occurrence with depression and ADHD means there are a number of medication options that can assist children with this diagnosis. Therapy is the primary treatment for conduct disorder, but medication can reduce the severity of symptoms caused by co-occurring issues.

Psychotherapy focuses on ways to channel anger into a more appropriate expression. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has shown promise, as has family therapy. Overall, the goals of therapy are to promote reasoning skills, anger management and impulse control. Therapy has proven successful in many cases in reducing symptoms and reducing the likelihood of the disorder continuing in adulthood. Discuss the therapy plan with your therapist to find out how these skills can be learned through psychotherapy.

Conduct Disorder

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