What Is Conduct Disorder?

By katherine
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4. What Are the Symptoms of Conduct Disorder?

Aggressive conduct involves cruelty, violence and use of force with other individuals and with animals. This can include use of a weapon, forcing another individual into sexual activity or bullying behavior. Examples of destructive behaviors are arson and vandalism. Deceitful symptoms can include theft, lying, cheating in school, delinquency and other deceitful acts. Finally, rule-breaking behaviors range from pranks and mischief to running away from home and leaving school. It can also include early sexual activity.

It’s helpful to determine the origin of these behaviors. Many children learn these socially unacceptable behaviors and acts from peers or adults, while others enjoy aggressive acts and create their own disobedience. Comparing these two origins of behaviors is helpful for creating an action plan for treatment. An environmental cause could call for a change in environment as therapy, while a biological cause can require extensive therapy and cognitive development. These symptoms often escalate, so consider treatment options after the first signs of conduct disorder.

Conduct Disorder

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