What Is Cardiomyopathy?

By james
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3. Causes

When an individual develops cardiomyopathy, it is not always possible to determine the cause. However, there are known factors that can contribute to a weakening of the heart muscle. Untreated heart conditions such as high blood pressure, rapid heart rate and metabolic disorders can eventually lead to a cardiomyopathy disease. Heart attacks can potentially cause damage that leads to the problem as well. Other health conditions include pregnancy complications, COVID-19 and other infections and connective tissue disorders.

In addition to health, certain behaviors or habits can lead to heart damage that causes cardiomyopathy. Drinking too much alcohol over a number of years harms the heart’s ability to function. Using drugs such as cocaine, anabolic steroids or amphetamines does the same. Nutritional deficiencies can also lead to a weakened heart muscle. Genetics sometimes plays a role.


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