What Is BPH?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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10. Prognosis and Patient Education

BPH can cause bladder outlet obstruction, which can result in complications such as renal failure, uremia (accumulation of urea in the blood), gross hematuria (blood in the urine), urinary retention (retention of urine in the bladder due to obstruction of the urethra caused by prostate enlargement), bladder calculi (stones in the bladder), recurrent urinary tract infections, and renal insufficiency (decreased function of the kidneys).

Since BPH is a common condition, men should be made aware regarding the signs and symptoms they should look out for, especially when they are above the age of 50. This is important as symptoms may become progressively worse and if left untreated, the obstruction of the bladder can negatively affect the kidney function.


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