What Is Ascites?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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6. Laboratory Tests

In patients who have a new onset of ascites, the main goal is to find out the underlying cause of the ascites. A sample of the peritoneal fluid can be obtained through paracentesis. It is then sent for tests to find out the albumin level, cell count, total protein, cytology, Gram stain, and culture.

A gross inspection of the fluid based on the color and consistency can help doctors narrow down the underlying cause. Blood tinged (pink) fluid may indicate trauma or malignancy. If cloudy, there may be an infection. An inflammatory condition can cause high white blood cell count. The culture of the peritoneal fluid helps detect the bacteria in ascitic fluid. Cytology is used to detect malignancy. Ascitic amylase cultures can be useful for those suspected of pancreatitis while mycobacterial cultures can be performed for those with suspected tuberculosis.


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