What Is an Eye Ulcer?
2. How Do Corneal Ulcers Develop?
Though there are many ways that this type of ulcer can develop on the eye, a sore on the cornea is always the result of some type of infection. Acanthamoeba keratitis is one of the more common infections that result in an ulcer. Essentially, this infection is caused by wearing contact lenses for longer than advised or without properly disinfecting the lenses in an appropriate solution. It is an amoebic infection that can slowly lead to the development of an ulcer and might cause a person to become permanently blinded in the infected eye.
A viral infection like herpes simplex keratitis can also cause ulcers in the eyes. This infection causes the eyes to become irritated and develop lesions. A person living with this infection might notice the ulcers become worse when in direct sunlight.