What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

By boone
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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8. What Lifestyle Changes Help Reverse Adrenal Fatigue?

Advice for those who suffer from adrenal fatigue can be summarized in two words: slow down. For example, instead of listening to the news on the way to work, try relaxing music; instead of a working lunch, try eating a healthy meal or going for a short walk; and in the evenings, try yoga or meditation to replace the glass of wine or pills you usually take to help you sleep. If you feel that you can’t wake up without caffeine or sleep without sedatives, then you should address the underlying causes of these problems.

Another bit of advice that can seem counter-intuitive is to cut back on strenuous exercise. The reason behind this seeming paradox is that the body treats vigorous exercise as a type of stress and responds by causing the adrenal glands to produce even more hormones. A better choice for those recovering from adrenal fatigue is to temporarily switch to gentle exercises like walking, swimming, dancing, or doing yoga. These choices provide wonderful benefits to the body without the adrenaline rush and can lower stress levels throughout the rest of the day.

Adrenal Fatigue

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