What Is Acute Otitis Media?
7. Risk Factors
Adults and children who have an obstruction of the Eustachian tube are at greater risk for acute otitis media. Examples of obstructions include scar tissue and malignant growths. Sometimes there is negative pressure of the middle ear due to Eustachian tube dysfunction. This can also lead to AOM in patients of all ages if the dysfunction persists into adulthood. Other significant risk factors for ear infections, in children as well as adults, include frequent upper respiratory infections and allergic congestion.
Young children who are bottle-fed are at greater risk for ear infection compared to those who are breastfed. There are two reasons for this. First, feeding a baby from a bottle may allow the formula to flow backwards into the baby’s Eustachian tubes. Second, breast milk contains antibodies from the mother that help to protect against infections. Children are also at greater risk for AOM if they live in a household where adults smoke or if they spend a lot of time around other children, such as siblings or other kids at daycare.