What Is a Cardiomegaly?

By kevin
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 1. Amin, A.; Siddiqui, W. (2020, Aug. 10) Cardiomegaly. Retrieved from https://www.statpearls.com/articlelibrary/viewarticle/18915/
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10. When to See a Doctor

It is wise to see your doctor right away if you experience chest pain, fainting, shortness of breath or discomfort in your upper body (such as your back, jaw, neck, stomach or arms). These are all indications of an enlarged heart and should not be ignored.

You should also see your doctor if you have a family history of cardiomegaly and you want to be screened for the condition. It’s easier to treat an enlarged heart effectively if you detect it early, so talk to your doctor if you have any new signs or symptoms that seem to be related to your heart.


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