What Causes Lazy Eye?

By albert
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8. Diagnosis

You should get your child checked before joining school to make sure that nothing is blocking light from entering the eyes, and both eyes move properly and see equally. If there is a problem, or you suspect that there is a problem with your child’s vision, make an appointment immediately and visit an ophthalmologist for an examination.

Some doctors suggest getting an eye examination at the age of 6 months in order to discover any eye problems, especially amblyopia, as early as possible. The doctor will carry out a physical examination of the eyes and any necessary tests to determine if your child has a lazy eye or any other vision problem. If your family has a history of amblyopia, your child has a higher chance of getting it. You should, therefore, have them tested as early as possible. In case your child has a lazy eye, discuss with the doctor about the best treatment plan for your child.

Lazy Eye

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