What are Schwannomas?

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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6. Disease Process

Nerves are the pathways through which electric impulses move between the central nervous system comprising the brain and the spinal cord, and the various organs and parts of the body. In order for the nerves to function properly, they need support and insulation, which are provided by a sheath of tissues formed by a specialized type of cells called schwann cells.

Schwannomas form when some schwann cells grow uncontrollably to form tumors around a nerve. This type of tumor usually grows slowly and may be present without symptoms for a long time. However, as such a tumor grows larger it exerts pressure on the nerves around it, leading to the symptoms typical of schwannomas such as pain, pins and needles, and some degree of hearing loss if the schwannoma affects the nerve connecting the inner ear and the brain. The schwannoma may also form a visible lump on the skin.


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