10 Uveitis Symptoms

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #5: Photopsia

Photopsia refers to flashes of light and is most commonly seen in conditions such as migraines, posterior vitreous detachment, occipital lobe infarction, and retinal detachment. Photopsia is most commonly caused by the shrinkage or liquefaction of the vitreous, which pulls on the vitreoretinal attachments, producing electrical impulses and irritating the retina. These impulses are then interpreted by the brain as “flashes.”

When photopsia occurs in pregnancy, it may suggest severe preeclampsia. Photopsia is an important symptom that warrants immediate investigation. Some patients with uveitis have also reported seeing flashes of light. Photopsia is usually seen among patients with posterior uveitis.


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