10 UTI Symptoms For Women

By dr. okoye
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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UTI Symptom for Women #7: Foul Smelling Urine

Just like some foods and medications are known to cause a change in the color of urine, it is important to note that there are also many things that can cause a change in how urine smells. For example, when urine has a sweet smell to it, then it may be an indication of a high blood glucose level. Asparagus is one of the most popular foods known to cause urine to smell somewhat foul.

A urinary tract infection, however, can also cause foul smelling urine. When a foul smell is given off by urine without any particular change in either medications or food being consumed, then it may be a sign that a person has developed an infection in either their bladder or urinary tract.

UTI For Women

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