10 Symptoms Of Middle Ear Infections

By albert
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Symptom #7: Difficulty Sleeping

A middle ear infection can cause difficulty sleeping. This is more noticeable in babies and young children. The discomfort that comes with middle ear infection, ear pain and fever are reasons why a child may find it hard to sleep. These symptoms may also disrupt a child’s sleep. Pain due to middle ear infections can worsen at night when the body is in a horizontal position.

While the pain may still be present during the day, it is not as noticeable as it is at night. This is because when in a vertical position, the Eustachian tubes may help in the flow of fluid from the middle ear. However, when in a horizontal position, the Eustachian tubes are less able to drain and may get totally blocked. This causes increased pressure in the middle ear which may worsen the pain and make it impossible to sleep.

Middle Ear Infection

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