10 Stomach Ulcer Symptoms

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Symptom #3: Chronic Heartburn

If you get recurring heartburn and regurgitation besides other related symptoms, you probably have a stomach ulcer. Heartburn in this case occurs when stomach acid irritates the sore area of the ulcer. This causes a reaction that involves sudden abdominal movements, which lead to acid rising up into the esophagus.

Most people take antacids to relieve heartburn. However, when there is an underlying issue like a stomach ulcer, the relief is usually temporary. If you experience this kind of symptom, you probably have a peptic ulcer and need medical attention. Note that left untreated, a stomach ulcer can get worse, leading to complications such as bleeding, blockage, and perforation of the stomach wall.

Stomach Ulcer

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