10 Sore Throat Remedies

By tallene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Sore Throat Remedy #6: Chicken Soup

Nothing beats a cup of mom’s homemade chicken soup or even when it comes from a can! The sodium in the broth provides anti-inflammatory properties while soothing your throat. At times, it’s hard to eat food when your throat is so sore but chicken soup will be easier to go down and provides nutrients you need during that time.

Chicken has a natural amino acid, called cysteine, which is similar to the acetylcysteine that doctors prescribe for bronchitis or respiratory infections. This helps thin mucus and makes it easier to eliminate form the body. Throwing in some curry powder, chili peppers, garlic and pungent spices can also make expelling mucus easier.

Sore Throat

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