Small Intestine Function Overview

By leslie
Reviewed: dr. stavarache
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. ’The Structure and Function of the Digestive System.’ Cleveland Clinic, www.
  • 2. Collins J; Nguyen A; Badireddy M. ‘Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis, Small Intestine.’ National Institutes of Health,
  • 3. ’Krause W. Brunner’s glands: a structural, histochemical and pathological profile.’ National Library of Medicine,
  • 4. ’Your Digestive System and How it Works.’ National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases,
  • 5. ’Easton J. ‘Specific bacteria in the small intestine are crucial for fat absorption.’ The University of Chicago,
  • 6. ’Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.’ Mayo Clinic,
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Problems With Small Intestine Function

Because of the small intestine's crucial role in absorbing vital nutrients and water, damage or destruction may cause poor nutrition. Other body systems rely on the nutrients taken in by the small intestine, and if these nutrients can't be absorbed, it can affect the liver, kidneys, heart and brain.

Gastrointestinal organs themselves may suffer, leading to massive organ shutdowns and potential death. Electrolytes, such as sodium and calcium, are sensitive to nutritional changes, and changes in their levels can be dangerous.2Collins J; Nguyen A; Badireddy M. ‘Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis, Small Intestine.’ National Institutes of Health,

Small Intestine

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